Week 6 - 16th Feb 2009

Filed under: by: sareena

• For primary 1, I taught them in basic use of mouse. I showed them the position of left click, right click, double click and scroll wheel of the mouse through tutorial from websites http://www.moe.edu.bn/ict/jpk in primary 1. From my instruction I can saw about 50% from both classes a bit confused with left click and right click, so to solve this problems I asked them to remember left as ‘kiri’ and right as ‘kanan’ . For their activity I ask them to play around using the mouse at first and then use left click by click at start and go to MS Word by left click. By using MS Word I ask them to play around using scroll wheel by up and down the page of the documents.
• For primary 2, I taught them in open up the folder and editing the composition by changing the font, font style, font color and font size. At first, I showed them how to change the fonts and for their activity they have to change the fonts on their own composition before.
• Today, Cikgu Aswandi came to my class for observation on my teaching practice.